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How the Daniel’s Fast Made me a Better Mom

Tamara Richards

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Hey Hey Hey,

I’ll spare you the details of how I arrived at actually doing the Daniel’s fast. If you’re interested you can read all about it here if you missed it. Today, what I do want to share is how Daniel’s story made me a better mom.

I’m about to get real.

Being a mom while being a wife, Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacy Professor, and Health Coach is extremely hard! Juggling may look easy, but at times the weight of the juggle weighs on me mentally, physically, and emotionally. And it is this that sometimes staggers me from truly showing up as the wife and mom I desire to be. What I have found is that I have been giving my energy to the world (career/business) and returning home completely void and frustrated. This is ass backwards! I should be frustrated and void for the world and happy and full for my family.

This fast opened my eyes to this and gave me a powerful tool to use to reduce my stress, turn anxiety into joy, and juggle a little more easily. This tool was prayer. The one thing that I learned from Daniel was that he prayed at least 3 times a day and whenever he was anxious, fearful, or in need of God he sought Him with great expectation knowing that he would show up on his behalf!

As you know I was doing a whole bunch of 60 second prayers and if I am honest there were times where I may not have truly believed that He would show up in my impossible situations! But through Daniel I have learned to pray about all things, remain consistent and persistent with my prayer, and to truly believe that he will work things out by sitting with great expectation for what I know he is able to do for me!

I am now praying more and have even incorporated prayer into any situation where I know I can worry, become angry, or have an anxiety attack. For example, my afternoon soccer mom activities can easily lead to a lot of anxiety and frustration, because I’m worn, tired, and simply trying to do the best I can with the little time that I do have. And then there are toddlers involved which comes with its daily dose of tantrums. So it’s a recipe for daily disaster if you ask me.

Because of what I have learned through my fast and studying Daniel I now pray before getting my girls if I know that I’ve had a rough day. I never want to take the frustration of my world out on them, so my new goal is to pray for peace and strength before getting them so my afternoon can go a little smoother. This has allowed me to show up more refreshed and energized in my home, instead of being emotionally and mentally exhausted from things that have nothing to do with my home.

My home is a haven of love and safety! Because of the consistent example of prayer that Daniel exemplified I am able to be a better mom to my babies and look a little more pleasant when my husband sees me at the end of the day 🙂

It is my prayer that my transparency blesses you and your home. Our babies deserve the best version of ourselves and nothing less. If you’ve been giving the world your all and giving your home your frustrations I want to encourage you to flip the script. Pray consistently and persistently for peace, wisdom, and strength to be a better mom/wife in your home.


Dr. Tamara

Have you heard about my Plank and Prayer Challenge? It is my annual challenge that allows women of God to draw closer to him while losing their FUPA. Sounds like a win-win to me, right?!?!.

For 21 days I will provide you a scripture a day to pray over. You pick the time of day and plank while you pray for as long or little as you’d like. You will be completely amazed at the amount of strength that he will give you during your intimate time with him.

Click the link to join the waitlist.

We start March 28 and will plank and pray our way right into Easter Sunday. You don’t want to miss it. Sign up now, it’s completely FREE, click here!



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